General Interest
Resident Notice
Dear Residents,It has been announced that
there will be a protest march with significant traffic implications this
Thursday, 8/2. The march will start at 4 pm in the northbound lanes of
Lake Shore... [more]
Senate Bill 2485
Senate Bill 2485
Dear Resident,
new bill, SB2485, is designed to harm condominium associations and give
delinquent owners a free ride at the expense of owners who... [more]
Happy Flag Day 2017!!
1400 State Parkway Flag Day
Happy Flag Day!!
Flag Day is celebrated on June 14 and it commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which occurred on June 14, 1777,... [more]
Memorial Day Weekend
1400 NSP Celebrates Memorial Day
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Dear 1400 State Parkway Residents, Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States
for remembering the... [more]
Spring Ahead Reminder
Make Sure to Set Your Clocks --- Spring... [more]
Water Conservation at 1400 NSP
FACT: Only 1% of the earth�s water is drinkableIn response to the City of Chicago mandated 29% rate increase in 2009-2010:
Let�s brainstorm! How can we at 1400 NSP conserve water and save energy and... [more]